サーバーは、計算モジュールの作成に使用できるインターフェイス MesysCOM を提供します。使用可能なメソッドは次のとおりです。:
•void setLanguage([in] BSTR p_lang);
Pass language as two characters ("de", "en", "fr", "es", "tr", "ko", "zh", "ja")
•int getVersion();
Returns version in format yyyymm.
•MesysRBC* createRBC();
Create bearing calculation module without user interface.
•MesysSHAFT* createSHAFT();
Create shaft calculation module without user interface.
•MesysHERTZ* createHERTZ();
Create Hertz stress calculation module without user interface.
Create ball screw calculation module without user interface.
Create cylindrical gear pair calculation module without user interface.
•MesysGUIRBC* createGUIRBC();
Create bearing calculation module with user interface.
Create hertz stress calculation module with user interface.
Create shaft calculation module with user interface.
Create ball screw calculation module with user interface.
Create cylindrical gear pair calculation module with user interface.
The interfaces MesysRBC, MesysSHAFT and others without GUI create calculation modules without user interface. MesysGUIRBC, MesysGUISHAFT are calculation modules with user interface.